Tuesday, June 15, 2004


So, I have been working on updating my blog linking an what not. I forgot how much I like coding in java and html. It made me think about that webpage for flatline that I never finished. Damn my irresponsibility!!!!!!

Going to the mall after work to buy a new pair of sandals. It is either buy new shoes or get my birkies resoled. I elect to buy new shoes. Always, buy new shoes. Or maybe, go to the "Recovery by the River" meeting.... Nah, Retail therapy!!!!

Haven't started writing on that first step. I have been putting it off for the same reason I have been putting off working on the issue itself. I am afraid to let go. If let go of him I am totally alone. Totally. Totally single and unloved ((Waaahhhh))
If I work thru this and face the pain and the fear and the negative patterns, then it will be something else.....

enough for now


Blogger WNW said...

I so do not understand the attraction to shoes

12:08 PM  

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