Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Tuesday Afternoon

Ahh the words to that song run thru my head......

so I have lost about 4 pounds so far! And it has been a huge struggle. I constantly want to eat more than I am allowing myself to and Sometimes i get horrible munchies and cravings. My addiction has really manifested it self in my eating thing. What I have found out is that I am not hungry, just unsatisfied and unfulfilled.

So I spoke with my new sponser Donna. I am going to be starting on a new round of working the steps on((ahem)) fear. More specifically, my fear of relationships and men. Why have i spent these last 10 years distancing myself from the opposite sex. I know that is why I have been reluctant to loose weight before. It will make me more desirable and I am not sure I want to go there. But I am. So, I start step One.

"We admitted we were powerless over our addiction and that our lives had become unmanageable."


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