Monday, October 25, 2004


So, yesterday, I cooked a pot roast with Potatoes and carrots and aspargras on the side and invited Deanna, Dave and Brooke over for dinner. Everybody showed, and we all ate and it was a grand old time. I was getting annoyed with Angela all day as she kept telling me how to cook my roast. She kept saying, "well my grandmother used to do it like this..", but, you see, out cultural cooking experiences are totally different. I come from a Jewish background and her is goyisha, So, of course it is totally different. I didn't like her assumption that her way was right. But I got all passive/aggressive and did what she said and seethed inwardly. Not a good thing. I still think my way, or my mothers way is the best. But whatever.....Just had to get that off my chest


Blogger WNW said...

What the hell is goyisha? Is that like geisha?

7:21 PM  
Blogger Queen Amy said...

goyisha is what the goyim traits are like. it is yiddish for non-jew

8:01 AM  

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