Sunday, March 27, 2005

Onward and upward

Ok, so,

The birthday week was very cool! I got to go to a bunch of meetings and stand up and accept applause. It is so cool to have beat out 99% of the recovery community and be one of the 'exclusive' 1% who make it past 10 years. And, I do feel special.

friday was my actual birthday meeting. All 3 of the women who have ever sponsored me were ther (Lori, Oma and Donna). Then we went out for coffee and motorcycle mike was there
OH MY GOD!! Is he adorable or what
And yesterday, i had a small BBQ, in the rain.

Now onto other things. Hannah has moved into Steve's house. on one hand I am sorry to see her go. And on the other, i am glad i have my living room back.
Angela's control issue are driving me crazy. she is so self centered and self absorbed I find it too hard to deal with some times.

Thank you to all who congratualted me on my 10 years. i couldn't have done it with out you.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Today I am celebrating 10 years clean!!!!

I am awesome! who woulda thunk it!! that this addict could get 10 years clean! I am so thankful! I can't beleive myself!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Vacation!!! We work so hard all year round and get just a few weeks off with pay. I like it!
So i had another birthday on Sunday, and on the upcoming Sunday i will be 10! What an amazment! I can't beleive it! It isn't possible