Monday, August 30, 2004

no info

so i finally got a GMAIL account!!!
thank you Brandy for the invite!!!
I have been making delicous virgin frosted strawberry daiquris with my brand-new blender.
this weekend was laid back. Brookie came over and we watched movies and drank daiquris all weekend.

more later

Friday, August 20, 2004


Ok so I am taking Nathan's advice and pasting his most common search topics here in a post. I want the general public to find and enjoy my fabulous rantings.

I didn't go to writer's grouop last night. I was suppose to go the fair, but i was way way too tired and The Exorcist was on tv. I love scary movies

Olympics Todd Meister Britney Spears Bijou Phillips Usher Yu Zhenhuan Ashlee Simpson Nicky Hilton Avril Lavigne Carlos Arroyo Big Brother Olympic Basketball NASCAR Night At the Roxbury Paris Hilton Surreal Life Harry Potter Vijay Singh Lindsay Lohan Puerto Rico Jessica Simpson 60 Minutes Linkin Park Olympic Swimming Nelly Daniela Hantuchova PGA Corey Feldman Jennifer Lopez Heavyweight Championship Hurricane Charley WWE Summerslam Christina Aguilera Misty May Maroon Courtney Kupets Hilary Duff The Days Austin Powers

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Why do I have to have a title??

So, I didn't get the job!!!! I am soo disappointed. I really wanted out of this sinking ship. People kept telling me that if I really wanted the job I should put it out to the universe and if it was the right thing it would happen. 'Cept, I should know that stuff doesn't happen like that. So, I move on. Their loss. Now, I am going to look forward to the vacation. I can't wait. Not to have to wake up and rush around to make it to work on time

I am thinking of spending the money and signing up with a headhunter. Don't know.

Tom is coming to visit me on September 27. He will stay thru October 1.We are gonna go to the coast and probably stay at Ocean Haven I am sooooo Excited!! The only glitch is that I don't know when if I cam going to get my vacation request, however, that is the last week of September and we will get laid off the next week, so who cares

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

The Queendom

heeee heeee hee

So I just did a search in GOOGLE for Queendom and i cam up with a bunch of hits for S & M sites...heee heee...I think that is hilarious!!




Get me out of here!! I am not sure if I can take any more of this. The mood here is black, as is my mood. I can't stand waiting for the hatchet to drop. I have absolutely no motivation, other than the page check. And
WHY WHY WHY are we still doing MANDATORY OT??So they can make their call goals? What goals? Why? To burn us little people out faster? It makes no sense that when we were all gonna get laid off to have us work OT. We for the life of us, can't figure out the point.

still haven't heard anything on the job, positive or negative..Which is good. I have a real positive Belgian about the job.....((PRAY for me General public))

So I have been exercising my writing muscle, trying to do daily writings, that is a positive thing

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

still at work

so, i went for my interview at "big brother" yesterday. i think it went wel. i have a positive feeling about it and about the prospect for a job. keep your fingers crossed for me

this weekend, everybody is going away. Angela is going cmaping w/ her family. Paulla is going camping with Ed. i think Dawn is going camping to whistlers bend, as is brookie. What's a girl to do. i was gonna go to the filbert festival, but i realy wasn't enthusiastic about going by myself. it'll all work out. and, i don't know if i can get a ride to cresell on friday. it has been suggeted to call Oma and have her pick me up on her way out of town. that would entail staying at her house over ngiht on friday. do i really want to do that???? Don't know. Althoguh i have tog et over this feelign of uncomfortableness around her. it isn't going to work with her being my sponsor if i am feelign awkward with her all the time.

went to a bbq at Floyd's on monday. henri was here from hawaii. all us "oldtimers" (hee hee) were invited. it was good to see henri.

my only concern with the symantec job is tom is coming out to see me at the end of september. wil i still be able to take that week off?? the plan was, before i knew i was gonna get laid off, was to take that week as vacation. i don't know